New Year's Eve.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The One Where Nobody Got Hurt
Posted by Cat Herder at 5:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dear Obama:
How's that honeymoon working out for you?
Posted by Cat Herder at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sorry. It's been awhile. It's the most frantic time of year, made even more so by moving and renovating and volunteering and such.
Today was my great-uncle's funeral. People I've told that have said they're sorry. I appreciate it, but really, he was 96 years old. Married for 67 years--my great aunt, who is in fantastic health, is 88. You don't get a much better run than 96 years. It's sad to see him go, but man, would that we all got so much time to do what we do.
I'm having serious issues with this auto bailout. Chrysler, Ford, and GM have made cars that absolutely suck for decades. I say that having owned several. They blow. I mean, take apart a Honda, see how they do it, build cars that don't require regular tows, and then bail your damn selves out by providing a product people want and developing return customers and a base there. Or go under--you really do deserve to go under. And have a chat with your unions about realism and such things...but that's its whole own blog post. Unions. Feh.
Someone called me today to see if I could take her lunch duty slot in 2nd grade tomorrow. I did two lunch duties last week, and I said no. I've never done that before. But I have a hot date with myself for sushi tomorrow and some errands to run, and I honestly need an hour to breathe. So no, I'm sorry. I can't take it. *sigh* Selfish me, huh?
We started ripping out the first floor powder room two nights ago. Rewired the main light to move it to another wall, patched the drywall, and ripped out the godawful scallop shell sink. Now, it's painting and installing the new vanity. It's been a long time since we've done this kind of work. I told someone it's like labor--you forget about the pain after awhile. Did I mention I'm never moving again? Like, never ever? I should mention that.
School's closed for inauguration. It's never been closed before for it. But damn if we're not shutting down for the Unicorn Corps. Nothing like a little partisanship in the school system, huh? Sweartagod, not a word about money for four years, people. Nothing. I'm not listening.
Posted by Cat Herder at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Just a Thought
Dear Ford, Chrysler, and GM:
I'm about to bail you out.
Stop building cars that suck.
ps--It's not about the salary, stupids. We all know with your annual six-figure bonuses, a dollar salary offer is meaningless. Try again.
pps--I heart my Honda. Heh.
Posted by Cat Herder at 5:10 PM 2 comments