Monday, October 1, 2007

Another Language, Maybe?

With many apologies to those who've already listened to me whine about this...I spent part of last night (inspired by my friend, A) looking skyward and asking the Power That Is to please find another way to communicate with me. I suspect s/he's trying to get a message down here, and I'm just too dense to get it.

Why do I think that, you ask? Because in the past week, we've ("we" being me and DH) survived three visits to the emergency room with various immediate family members, one rush to the pediatrician's office for a right-now sick visit, one phone call about another young family member having a heart attack and being hospitalized, and the news that my six-year-old needs to see a cardiologist soon. (Appt's next week)

So, while I get that the Power needs to get something across to me, I'm not understanding what it is. Do you? And if you do, could you please enlighten me before anybody else gets hurt?

I miss the old days, when divine messages came via burning and talking bush or very vivid and very idiot-proof dreams. Much clearer, those messages. If you ask me, this isn't much of an upgrade at all.

Maybe Bill Gates really is God...


Ali said...

Ah...I wish I could give you advice but the Universe is still trying with me. I think trying to communicate and being open to it is a great thing so keep doing it.

Lean on us in the meantime, that's what I've been doing....=)

hbtx said...

Sheesh, sounds like you've had your hands full lately. This too shall pass, right?

Chelle Y. said...

(((Kim)))! I am wish I knew what to tell you! Know that your friends care, and keep "whining" away!