Thursday, June 19, 2008


We Catholics have taken a lot of crap over the past five or six years. And yes, it ticks me off. I'm fond of telling people to repeat something they've just said about Catholics while substituting "Jewish" in the sentence. They realize they'd have never, ever uttered the thought that way. But it's OK as long as the maligned group is Catholic. 

*shaking head*

I could go on about this. I could tell you to check the records on what single group gave the most money to Katrina recovery efforts or to clean up the typhoon several years ago (here's a hint: they like a guy named Benedict a lot). I could ask you to look at the leading agency spearheading international adoptions into the U.S. (it's Catholic Charities). I could invite you to my church or to any other to see the good work Catholics are doing every single day, but you could probably find that out by visiting your neighborhood soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or battered women's organization. Believe it or not, we don't all have big hair to cover up the horns underneath. We don't all have dozens of barefoot rugrats racing around. We're not all holier-than-thou and preachy. But as a rule, we don't like the current atmosphere as it concerns our faith.

That's not the point today, though, so I won't get into that. ;)

Today, I want to share something that's starting to creep around the internet. Even if you ignore the source, you have to admit it's pretty cool. And to a Catholic like me, it's even cooler. Maybe it's coincidence. But maybe not. :)

RIP, Tim. We miss you. Even though you know. 


Chelle Y. said...

That rainbow is beautiful!

You know, I guess I would be in the category as "born-again," but they get bad raps too. It's sad to think that the few who give us the bad rap, ruin it for everyone else who are truly nice people. It's the same with all, I guess.

Good post.

Kelly said...

Goose bumps!
Such a sad thing for his family. May they find joy in knowing he really touched so many people.