Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Damned Sunroof

The kids spent two nights at my mom's this week, giving me one whole, glorious day of alone-ness. I love my children more than life, but I also love the occasional break.

Life being as exciting as it is in one's late 30s, I used the morning of my one glorious day to run errands. The morning was beautiful and I opened the sunroof to let the sun stream across my shoulders, and then opened the rear windows in my tres-chic minivan to get a bit of a breeze going.

By the time I pulled into the parking lot of our fancy-schmancy strip shopping center (fancy but for the CVS, which was my destination), AC/DC was blasting out of my stereo and I was in full rock-out, fantastic-mood mode. 

You! Shook me All! Night! Long!

I parked, probably a bit too abruptly, and shut the engine off. It wasn't until I stepped out that I saw another mom from my son's class. Dressed in a manner appropriate for a fancy-schmancy shopping expedition. Staring. At me.

I smiled. "I'm, um, alone today," I explained.

She nodded and gave me that polite half-grin people give you when they've decided you're a crazy person.

I looked down and grinned. "I didn't always live in Bethesda."


Allison said...

LOL! That's AWESOME Kim! And she was just jealous. ;)

Ali said...

I wish I would have seen you! =)

hehehe - I wasn't always from Bethesda - priceless!

Susan's 365 said...

Hey, you deserved every rockin minute. I agree with Allison...she was just jealous.