Monday, August 13, 2007

Just A Thought...

If you don't fight fires, you probably shouldn't start a conversation with "Why would you ever do X in a burning building?"

If you don't dig ditches, it's probably not kind to start with "Why the hell would a ditch digger...?"

And if you're sitting at a table with me and you don't have children, please don't leap into a perfectly pleasant chat with "Why on earth would you ever let your child...?" And end with something innocuous. That I've done. And that millions of other moms have done. For perfectly good reasons and with perfectly fine results. Like, say, let your child watch a Baby Einstein video for 30 minutes while you SHOWERED.

It pisses me off. And then I have to roll my eyes at you towards the person across the table and think about what an idiot you're going to realize you sound like when you do have kids. And I have to interpret that as a slam against my mothering style, and, like hate you and stuff. And ponder whether my kid-book stash--the one I've been accumulating for you for the past two years for the day you do have a child--is really worthy of such a putz, or whether it'd be better off at the public library.

Seriously. Too much mental energy. Don't do it.


Ali said...


Ah...I always loved those conversations. I remember how no one could see the big deal it was to travel with an infant until it was their turn.

My feeling is wait and see... and when you observe what you will observe you can drop the comment right back.....With all the recent findings, I can't believe you would ______ with your kids. =) hehehehe

Melly said...

Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I miss it. LOL