Monday, September 10, 2007

On Britney

I didn't see the VMAs so I can't comment on her performance there. And yeah, she's a train wreck.

But if that's a "beer belly" on Britney Spears and completely offensive to the rest of the world...I am in serious trouble.



Susan's 365 said...

Oh my...I wish my belly looked like that.

Mary said...

yeah they call her tubby, fat, disgusting ect, yet 99% of women would love her body.

It's like on one hand you have the people bitching about how skinny all of the models ect are, and on the other you have people calling someone who's probably a size 6 or 8 fat.

you can't win.

plus I've had the same amount of kids as her, and I'd willingly trade bodies. Though I'd wear underwear.

mamatulip said...

Seriously. Yes, the performance was painful. Yes, she appeared joyless and dead-eyed; I got the vibe that she didn't want to be there at all, and that made me feel kind of bad for her (and like, this is someone who I have never, ever cared for, professionally or otherwise, you know?). But to hear her get slammed for her weight is REALLY upsetting to me. Because, like Mary said, you're either too fucking skinny or too fucking fat.

*rolling eyes*

I think she looks pretty damn good for back to back children.

Ali said...

I agree - I wish my tummy looked like hers (and I've had one kid) but no one is paying me 720K a month to look great and represent products or companies. =)

A funny though - I watched the VMA video on YouTube and was singing and my 3 year is now singing Gimme Gimme More Gimme More. Hysterical!

Amber said...

Heeeeey! I am so happy to find you back. I missed your thoughts and words.


Tink said...

There was NOTHING wrong with Britney's belly. That doesn't mean I like the outfit though. And her performance? Bleh. I wish there was someone who cared enough about her to stop her from making these horrible mistakes.

Chelle Y. said...

Britney looks so sad. You can see it in her eyes! I am not a fan, but I do feel sorry that she is falling apart.

She does not look fat to me either. If she is, then like you said, I am in trouble too!