In the past five days, I have...
-Packed, transported, and semi-unpacked about two dozen boxes of crap per day from the old house to the new one.
-Crashed my car. Into another. His will be fixed; mine won't.
-Played lunch angel to 27 hyper Catholic school kindergarteners on Pajama Day. Which is like cotton crack, apparently.
-Battled with Lowes over my supposed carpet installation.
-Burned two fingers with my oven rack.
-Made approximately two million phone calls to arrange stuff related to the move.
-Signed approximately two hundred pieces of paper.
-Gone out to dinner with my entire, beloved family instead of waving bye-bye to DH and DS as they headed out for Cub Scout Camp (stupid monsoon rain) and then spent the whole next day with them, oh joy.
-Stepped on more Legos and marbles than I can count, in bare feet of course.
-Edited a truly horrific piece.
-Lots of other stuff, all at hyper-speed.
The point?
Is this.
If a certain little man in a suit rings my doorbell--at either house--one more time in the next 72 hours, Jehovah's Witness is going to have a personal meeting with his Savior, kindly arranged by yours truly.
I'm Catholic, dude. You don't want me anyway. Seriously. G'head. Bug me again. I dare you.
I hope the rest of the move goes smoothly and quickly! Just keep thinking how nice it will be to be moved in and so content with your new pad!!
Yikes, you've got a lot going on. Sorry about the van. Moving is a hayooge pain, but just think how happy you'll be once everything is moved, unpacked and you're all settled in your new HOME.
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