Monday, November 17, 2008


Dear House Gods:

I can deal with the rotted wood underneath the upstairs window. I can handle the overflowing toilet, the crashing-from-the-ceiling plaster, the burner that doesn't light on the stove, and needing to leave the basement light on to run the dryer. I can also deal with the garbage can drawer that opens by itself since DH "fixed" it, the garage walls that crumble when we try to hang shelves on them (cinderblock is not concrete block, for future reference), the front storm door that won't latch, and the doors that are too long to open and close over the throw rugs we need so the WDCL can walk around without breaking a hip.

But a leaky roof? And a massive electric bill? Really? Truly necessary on top of a shiteous economy and a nervous, panicked DH who's a joy to live with?


I'm trying to get this, see? We're fixing things! We're making it all right again? And yet, we get shat on twice in a day? In big old proportions?

Can't you find someone else to play with for a little while? I don't particularly like your brand of game.

Love much,

Kim (who might change her opinion of old houses if this keeps up)

(New/old house, day 15)


Chelle Y. said...


It will get better, right? Soon, we will be reading about how great it all it, right? :)

Susan's 365 said...

When it rains it pours huh? Hopefully you'll get everthing fixed up and all will be right with the new/old house.

Ali said...

It's definitely someone else's turn - I'm so sorry this is all hitting at the same time. Pace yourself House God - they'll be in the house for a LONG time!