Thursday, November 15, 2007


My son is a Cub scout. I'm good with this...great with it, in fact. I love the camaraderie, I love the fun, I love the learning. He's having a blast.

His pack is (apparently) the only one in the country with an active Drum & Bugle Corps. They open each meeting and they participate in community events. But as older kids graduate to the point where Scouts aren't cool, the Corps needs new members.

Which leads us to the email I received from the Scoutmaster. There's a parade coming up, and he needed new Scouts. "Those who don't play an instrument can carry flags and serve as color guards," he said. And that sounded great--DS has seen the Scouts marching in parades for years and was absolutely over the moon at the prospect of donning his own uniform and thrilling the crowds.

Practice was last night. He suited up and we trucked over to the school cafeteria. The Scoutmaster's face lit up at the sight of fresh meat a new recruit. He started digging around in his massive bag and handed my boy a hunk of brass.

A bugle.

A real, live bugle. For us to keep. He's a bugler.

My eyes bugged out. Color guard, my ass. It was a ruse! A trap! And I went marching right into it! I feel like Lewis Black being presented with a bowl of candy corn in October. Son of a bitch!

Practice was something else. And has been extraordinarily loud in my house. He's trying really hard and I am proud of him. But it sounds like the world's largest elephant, farting into Aerosmith's PA system. Over...and over...and over...

Here's hoping we make it to the parade. Right now, I'm not overly optimistic.


Emily said...

LOL! (((you)))

I remember when I tried(for a year) to play the trombone. I always wondered why my parents were so supportive of me when I decided to quit, even though they had encouraged me so forcefully to take up an instrument and then spent a great deal of money on my horn...maybe now I know why.

Amber said...

Oh no. Oh no no no. LOL! If that were my house, might "go missing" in the night. Bugle burglers. They are all over the place.


Ali said...

Oh my goodness! I feel bad offering a friend's child a piece of candy and make sure I ask the Mom first - hello - loud instrument???

Here's to a quiet morning to you!

Chelle Y. said...

You are so funny! I really cannot stop laughing right now.

Susan's 365 said...

Oh my. That is definitely something I would have checked with the parents on first.

(((Your ears)))

toiny said...

I had a big ol' LOL at your expense this morning. Thanks! I needed it.

Btw, around 3rd/4th grade kids come home with recorders. They love practicing the songs with the recorders. And at the end of all the practice? We get to go to a lovely concert. Seriously.