Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tame the Snake, Boys

Another politician, another sex scandal. It's becoming routine.

You know what struck me this time, though? This.

From the Gary Hart hoo-ha to the Clinton debacle, I don't think I've ever seen a political spouse look so drained and so overwhelmed at the obligatory "I'm wrong and I'm sorry" press conference.

That's not a bad thing. All these women (It's been women to date) who've stood behind their men at the podium and held hands and smiled have put out the wrong message, I think. That it's OK for their spouses to dip their toes into other women's pools. That they're strong and they can handle this. That it meant nothing, really.

I don't think that's a good lesson, especially as the mom of a little girl who, I hope, will grow up with a strong sense of self-worth and self-respect. We do deserve better. Fidelity is important and it is valued and it is demanded--or it should be. Marriage is still valued and still deserves every ounce of respect that we as a society used to put into our vows. And monogamy is a very, very good thing.

My heart broke a bit for this latest political canoodling victim. Maybe she's a witch. Maybe she's had her own "alternative engagements." I have no idea. Until yesterday, I'd never heard of her. But as a wife, she deserves better. As a mother, she owes it to her children to teach them to demand better in their own lives and relationships. And as someone in the spotlight, I have to say, I was relieved to finally see one of these spouses looking like yes, this does bother her. It is wrong. It's a horrible injustice to her and her family, and it's just plain wrong.

I hope she continues showing her emotions and letting us see the toll this takes on their family. I think it's a lesson that's been sorely lacking in recent years, and one we could all use a reminder on.

(ps--for the love of god, gentlemen, keep it in your pants!)


Ali said...

Absolutely - couldn't agree more.

I thought the same thing- she really looked upset and drained and it looks very genuine.

I will say one thing - I really fee like affairs aren't about the marriage - they are about the person. That person is struggling with their identity, enjoying newfound power, or fighting something about their past.

The difference is for people who commit themselves to a relationship and intimacy who know that person's struggles and hopefully they navigate them together. Hopefully you can encourage this person to channel these feelings and energies into something else.

I also agree - while you are figuring it out - keep it in your pants!

Chelle Y. said...

I totally agree! It is tough to hold your head high when things like that happen. It's embarrassing too.

I am so sad about how little marriage is valued these days.

Tink said...

I would have left him on the spot... and then I would have wrote a tell-all book that made me lots of money. ;)

J. Hi said...

I whole heartedly agree!! I have always felt sorry for these women but I absolutely feel that they are sending the wrong message.

It is is also good to see you call this situation "wrong" as well. Too many times it is explained away (well prostitution should be legal anyway or humans weren't meant to be monogamous) or told it's private and none of our business, not our place to judge. Wrong is wrong and it's good to see someone acknowledge it. Great post!