Monday, March 31, 2008

The Way The Day Has Gone

Dear DH:

When you call home at 4 p.m. and ask what's for dinner and hear me say salmon, don't sigh heavily and say you just had tuna for lunch. Cuz first of all, I have no flippin' clue where you were at lunchtime, much less what you ate.

Second, I co-opped at preschool this morning. On the first day of school after spring break. With a group of four-year-olds who apparently had quite the productive run-in with a crack dealer between their homes and the classroom. That's the only thing that explains their behavior today (highlight: standing atop the five-foot-high loft and trying to decapitate their classmates by chucking three-foot-long wooden blocks at them). It was either cocaine or froot loops and pepsi for breakfast.

And third, dude. I have four weeks until the beach trip. My first foray to the beach in about 11 years. With a group of women who make Cindy Crawford look like the "before" photo in a Jenny Craig ad. Love these girls to death and really excited for a super-fun getaway with them (and without your or the kids, but who's keeping track?), but boy, are they skinny. It's pretty much protein and veggies around here for awhile.

Suck it up or hit McD's for dinner on the way home. More for me, honestly. But ixnay on the sighing. Seriously, it's just not the day.

Much Love,

Your Wife


J. Chapman said...

does DH ever read this?

Chelle Y. said...

Haha, gotta love them sometimes, huh?

At least you cook for him.

Unknown said...

um...who are you going to the beach with? = ) remember that I'll be there to shield you with my swelled winter body that only likes to eat pizza and drink beer.

i can't wait!

hilarious about the husbands - i've had mike do that - um i had a hamburger for lunch - i'm not sure i want meat sauce and pasta for dinner. no worries - call a personal chef or drive thru something on the way home.

happy monday to you!

Unknown said...

*snicker* How cludeless can they be???