Friday, January 18, 2008

Who's Snooty Now?

We have this snooty grocery store food market near my house. I try not to shop there much, but they carry my favorite beer and DH is going away for the weekend and desperate times call for desperate measures, so I swung by today.

Got the beer, grabbed a sandwich for lunch, and was heading to the checkout when I heard my name. Turned to see the mom of one of my son's classmates there.

This mom...she has the bleached hair, the stylish clothes, the makeup. Can we say "intimidating" boys and girls? I've never talked to her cuz, well, why would she want to talk to me and my Life is Good wardrobe and LL Bean comfy loafers, right?

But today she called my name. And we stood there and talked for a good five minutes and she could not have been any nicer. Truly.

I think I need to let go of my prep school notions of who's friendship material and who isn't. It's a good lesson for today. :)


Allison said...

I know what you mean. There was one local mom (that looks eerily like Rachel Ray) who was always dressed sooo nice, was quiet, etc. I assumed she was a big ol' snob and wouldn't dream of speaking to someone like me. But then I got to know her and she totally kicks ass. One of the nicest people I've ever met.

I still approach people slowly, because well, if there's one thing I'm NOT, it's stylish and "mom-like". So I always just assume they don't want to talk to me. But I guess in my own little way, I'm being a snob too. [sigh] Women are freakin' weird.

Ali said...

It's an excellent lesson to learn. We decide from a distance who people are and as we get up close and get to know them, it changes everything. I also love having some friends that are different than I am to teach me things and I teach them things. My one well dressed friend always drilled into me to do one good thing for myself whether it was my hair, nails, working out, or buying a cool pair of shoes. She'd say - you deserve one nice thing considering all you do. Good advice and I'm glad I do get my hair done and enjoy it.

Good for you. Here's to 2008 - a year of new friends....